
On this page we'll go over the basic concepts of how we track Workouts.


The main concept around tracking is a Workout.

A Workout consists of information such as name, which day to perform the Workout, and which Sets to perform.


A Set contains all the information about a given Set you'll perform during a Workout.

  • Exercise (Which Exercise to perform)

  • Intensity Unit (None, RPE, RIR, % 1RM)

  • Intensity

  • Weight Unit (Kilos, Pounds)

  • Weight

  • Rep Unit (Reps, Rep Range, Seconds, Second Range)

  • Reps

  • Rest Time Unit (Minutes, Seconds)

  • Rest Time

Sets can store additional information such as angle and pin position. To learn more see Properties.

Remember these concepts well! All features on the platform build on them.

Now let's create your first Workout!

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